Ekran FEP was established in 1996 by a group of engineers. Today, Ekran FEP is an innovation high-tech enterprise, which produces components for night vision devices of civil and special applications. Image Intensifier Tubes (IIT) of 1, 2+ and 3 Generations which are produced by Ekran FEP corresponds the quality level and custom parameters of world’s best IIT items.
Image Intensifier Tubes are available with GaAs photocathode (3rd Generation), which are produced only by two countries in the world: Russia and USA.
Ekran FEP is the only manufacturer in Russia which have closed-loop IIT production cycle.
Such strategic components as microchannel plate (MCP) and fiber-optical element (FOE) are produced by ourselves. MCP of following types are available: 10, 8 and 6 microns. FOE is available with straight or inverting image transfer with different surface radius.
Company has a great not only production, but also scientific potential. Ekran FEP closely collaborates with SB RAS institutes, that makes possible not only carrying out the research and scientific work, but also to understand, solve and work out the tasks, which Ekran FEP indicates during the production of complex electro-vacuum devices .
The most relevant R&D activity of the company’s employees is represented in publications below:
630060, Russia, Novosibirsk city, Zelenaya gorka st. 1